
My Experience On Home Studying During Covid-19 Pandemic

The feeling I felt studying online at home during the covid-19 pandemic at first I was happy to study at home because I could work on college assignments in a relax, can be played and joined with family with more time.  But I am happy in just the first week after a long period of months to months that I feel bored and ineffective in learning because I only do assignments through Virtual Classes (vclass) and then download the material, do the assignments or forums that are given without explanation. The difficulty I felt while studying at home was the lack of fast internet access and supporting electronic devices such as wifi, frequent errors on web pages because many people accessed the web pages and I had to understand the material given myself. The way I deal with learning difficulties at home is by installing the internet or wifi at home to strengthen the network while studying online at home, doing learning by watching learning videos on YouTube or other learning app...

Prediction of Technology

Prediction of Technology Technology is a facility and infrastructure that provides an item or component that is necessary for the survival and comfort of human life. Usually the use of technology by human beings begins with the conversion of natural resources into various kinds of tools. As its development technology has expanded its meaning, becoming an intangible object such as software, learning methods, business methods and others. Examples of real technology in this era are very much starting from the technology that we often use such as computers, laptops, cellphones, machines, motor cars and others. Ian Pearson of the World Academy of Arts and Science, a futurist who has proven to have 85%, expressed his predictions about the technological sophistication that will change human life until the year 2050, as reported by Business Insider below: The drone is used as an expedition tool. If the drone is currently used for photography and video purposes, in 2018 the d...

Story of Pinocchio

Pinocchio The Pinokia fairytale is an educational story about a wooden doll that was turned into a boy named Pinocchio because of the help of fairies. Pinocchio has an adventure that is excluded from naughty and like children who become good children and obey their parents. One day, there was a puppeteer whose name is Geppetto. He eager to have a son very much but his wife passed away several years ago. One day, he got an idea to make a puppet in order not to be lonely again. He made a puppet all day long. Finally, in the morning he had finished his work and he named the puppet Pinocchio. Soon he felt lonely again since Pinocchio couldn’t walk or talk by itself. One night, Geppetto prayed to the God to become a real boy. He always thought it on his mind in his dream. In the next morning, he was surprised that Pinocchio was alive. He taught Pinocchio how to walk, how to read, how to speak and to do other things as human. He then studied at an elementary school. One day, Pinocch...

Culinary Review

Hii back again on my blog , this time I want to give a richeese factory food review. Richeese Factory is a QSR (Quick Service Restaurant) or fast food restaurant, which is served with delicious cheese sauce. Richeese Factory first appeared in Indonesia on February 8, 2011, at the Paris Van Java Mall, Bandung City, West Java. The first time I ate at Richeese Factory in Kalibata Mall in the South Jakarta area, it was open every day from 9 AM to 10 PM. Here there are many food menus that is  ala carte, beverages, snack and dessert, big order, combo special, combo favorite dan kids meal as follows. Richeese has a level of spiciness from level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 the higher the level the more spicy the taste besides that the characteristic of richeese is he has delicious cheese. Let's try to eat 😋. Here I order level 2 chicken fire combo food at 36 000 and richeese style cake at 9000. Wait until the food arrives. And the food came because I ordered a combo fire chick...

Animasi dan Desain Grafis

Haiii, kembali lagi bersama saya dalam blog kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang animasi dan desain grafis. Apa itu Animasi ?? Animasi berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu Anima yang berarti memberi nyawa, hidup, jiwa dan semangat. Animasi adalah gambar bergerak berbentuk dari sekumpulan objek (gambar) bisa berupa gambar manusia, hewan, maupun tulisan yang disusun secara beraturan mengikuti alur pergerakan yang telah ditentukan pada setiap pertambahan hitungan waktu yang terjadi. Animasi merupakan salah satu grafika komputer yang menyajikan tampilan-tampilan yang sangat atraktif dimana dapat ditampilkan secara berurutan dengan cepat untuk mensimulasi gerakan yang hidup. Di dalam multimedia, animasi merupakan penggunaan dari komputer untuk menciptakan gerakan pada layar. Jenis-Jenis Animasi   Ada beberapa jenis-jenis animasi antara lain: 1. Jenis Animasi Berdasarkan Bentuk Karakter Yang Dibuatnya Stop Motion Animation/Claymation Dikenal juga dengan claymation, tekni dala...

Sistem Basis Data Terdistribusi

Postest Basis Data Terdistribusi. 1. Hal yang penting dperhatikan dalam sistem terdistribusi adalah menentukan penempatan data dan program pada jaringan computer. Menentukan desain suatu organisasi  dapat dipandang 3 dimensi. Jelas kan ke 3 dimensi tersebut. Jawab : Hal yang penting dperhatikan dalam sistem terdistribusi adalah menentukan penempatan data dan program pada jaringan computer. Menentukan desain suatu organisasi  dapat dipandang 3 dimensi, yaitu :  1. Tingkat Sharing, terdiri dari : Tidak ada sharing : aplikasi dan data dijalankan dari setiap lokasi dan tidak ada komunikasi dengan program atau akses ke data ke lokasi lain.  Sharing data : semua program disalin/replica disemua lokasi, tetapi data tidak disalin. Permintaan data dari user diolah oleh komputer dimana user mengakses dan file data akan dikirimkan melalui jaringan. Sharing data dan program : user dari suatu lokasi dapat meminta layanan baik program maupun data dari lokasi lain dan j...

Sistem Basis Data Terdistribusi

Pretest Basis Data Terdistribusi 1. Distribusi dapat dilakukan pada Pemrosesan data terdistribusi dan Sistem Basis Data Terdistribusi jelaskan perbedaanya? Jawab : Pemrosesan Data Terdistribusi/Distributed data processing merupakan sekumpulan peralatan pemrosesan yang saling terhubung melalui jaringan yang mengerjakan tugas-tugas tertentu.  Pemrosesan terdistribusi dapat dikelompokan berdasarkan beberapa kriteria yaitu: 1.Degree Coupling / Tingkat hubungan : tinggi atau rendah ? Jumlah data yang saling digunakan dibandingkan dengan jumlah pemrosesan lokal. 2.Struktur antar hubungan : kuat atau lemah ? Jika komponen dapat di share dikatakan kuat 3.Kesaling tergantungan komponen-komponen. Kuat atau lemah dalam mengekseskusi proses. 4.Keselarasan antar komponen. Pemrosesan terdistribusi berkembang karena kebutuhan untuk dapat memecahkan masalah besar dan kompleks dengan menggunakan berbagai macam aturan divide and conquer. Alasan lain yang mendasar adalah struktur ...